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About Us

Thangam Chits & Funds are leading the charge towards a more sustainable future, offering a thrilling blend of cutting-edge technology, zero emissions, and unparalleled efficiency.

Thangam Chits & Funds
Who We Are

Welcome to The Thangam Chits & Funds

Thangam Chits & Funds are leading the charge towards a more sustainable future, offering a thrilling blend of cutting-edge technology, zero emissions, and unparalleled efficiency.

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Thangam Chits & Funds
Our Vision Our Mission Our Vision Our Mission Our Vision Our Mission Our Vision Our Mission
Thangam Chits & Funds
Vision & Mission

For a Cleaner, and Brighter Future

Thangam Chits & Funds

Our Vision

To lead the global automotive industry towards a sustainable future by revolutionizing transportation with innovative electric vehicles, fostering environmental stewardship, and enhancing the quality of life for present and future generations.

Our Mission

  1. Innovation: We strive to push the boundaries of technological advancement, continuously innovating in electric vehicle design, battery technology, and sustainable manufacturing processes.
  2. Sustainability: Our commitment to sustainability is unwavering. We aim to reduce carbon emissions and minimize environmental impact throughout the entire lifecycle of our products,
  3. Quality & Safety: The safety and satisfaction of our customers are paramount. We uphold the highest standards of quality, safety, and reliability in every vehicle we produce
Core Value

Powered by Tomorrow

Thangam Chits & Funds are leading the charge towards a more sustainable future, offering a thrilling blend of cutting-edge technology, zero emissions, and unparalleled efficiency.

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  • Zero Emissions
  • Lower Costs
  • DDoS Mitigation
  • Regenerative Braking
  • Quiet Operation
  • Advanced Technology
Thangam Chits & Funds

Our Happy Customers